College 2 Corporate

San Diego Urban League Young Professionals

National Day of Service

“The STEAM Sisterhood Journey to Wakanda”

Saturday, April 28, 2018
The San Diego Urban League Young Professionals (SDULYP) National Day of Service Project Day is partnering with DETOUR and a few local young professional organizations to provide workshops and a space for college students and young professionals to network and get information on jobs, internships, and professional organizations to get involved with. This space will benefit individuals who have an interest in STEAM and other fields represented by the young professionals who attend.

Workshops Include:

Professional Business
Women Panel,Women’s Rights/Advocacy,
Financial Education,
Credit/Student Loans

We are joining forces at the Focused And Naturally Confident Youth (F.A.N.C.Y.) Teen Girls Expo to champion the cause of encouraging young girls of color to enter STEAM fields.
According to the White House Fact Sheet: Advancing Equity for Women and Girls of Color, “in 2012, underrepresented minority women received only 11.2% of bachelors degrees in science and engineering, 8.2% of masters degrees in science and engineering, and 4.1% of doctorate degrees in science and engineering(1). The silent implication is that girls of color are being marginalized and are struggling to enter STEAM fields. We are teaming up to showcase unique and fun STEAM projects to excite girls about the field and provide mentorship as well at the annual expo. The goal of the 8th Annual F.A.N.C.Y. Teen Girls Expo is to help girls strengthen their confidence, take on leadership roles, and increase participation in higher education and priority sector career fields.


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